Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Off to see the Wizard -continued

Phase 3: Texas to Virginia...

Our journey out of Texas was filled with even more Blue Bonnets and Indian Paintbrush than I could ever imagine.  Apologies to Norm for the lousy first was my inexperience with the camera that was the culprit!

Oddly enough, when we crossed into Arkansas, the land was covered in bright, yellow flowers (I guess they just had to be different from Texas).  After a rainy day of driving, we settled in at the Riverside RV Park in North Little Rock, a little park near the base of one of the bridges that transverses the Arkansas River.

 I was delighted when Norm called me to the window sometime after dark to show me the ever-changing light show on the bridge!

 Morning brought us clear skies and a beautiful view of the city, as we drove off towards Tennessee.

By early evening, we were winding our way around Memphis

and did manage to catch a shot of it’s landmark pyramid, even though local traffic was rushing us through.

But our destination was Natchez Trace State Park, halfway between Memphis and Nashville, so on we went.  Once arrived, we loved the park so much, that we stayed an extra day just to enjoy it.

Even Gracie appreciated the restful break...she was able to catch up on her beauty sleep!

This park was my first encounter with the bird pictured here...who sang, and sang, and sang ALL night long!  It wasn’t just one tune, but a compilation of a dozen or more differing chirps, whirls, whistles, and peeps that mesmerized me.  I don’t think this bird ever sleeps, because the next day he was at it again!

After a bit of research, I believe it is a Northern Mockingbird  –which is actually the state bird of Tennessee (how appropriate!)–  but will wait for our birding experts, Stan & Denise, to confirm that for me(!)  I did make a recording of its song(s), only because I thought them so comical and entertaining...but can't easily get it into the blog for you to hear (I guess I need more blogging experience...or more patience!)

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology website is a great resource for learning about birds.  It offers photos, videos, and song recordings to help identify them...and it’s all free.

After leaving Natchez Trace, we headed further into Tennessee for a stop in Cookeville so that we could meet our little “second niece”, Giovanna Kirk.  She, and our second grand daughter (Annie) were born two days apart.  They should have a fun time growing up close together as second cousins!

Our next stop, just before winding our way into North Carolina, was a darling RV park called the ‘Dumplin Valley Farm RV Park’.  Yes, there really is a Dumplin Valley –aka Kodak, TN– and it hosts a huge Bluegrass Music Festival every year.  The ‘farm’ part is gone, so they started adding a few RV spaces years ago for the festival goers, and turned the barn into a stage.  It’s set in a beautiful countryside, with farms and ranches still surrounding it...

There’s space for hundreds of RVs now, but it was very quiet while we were there.  That is, until the Dumplin Valley Raceway across the road started up at 7 pm!!!

We thought, surely they will end by 10 pm or so, but ‘round and ‘round they went until almost midnight.  Didn’t keep my weary driver awake, though  –thank goodness!

Next morning, we crossed the border into North Carolina...

...and into Krispy Kreme Country!!!!!

 On our way to our old stompin’ grounds in Sylva, we kept passing these spindly, scrawny trees with the most beautiful, lavender after another.

A big sign at the Welcome Center read “In case you’re wondering, the trees along the roadside with the lavender flowers are Paulownia (pull-own'-ee-a) Trees, also known as Princess Trees, and originated in China.”  I guess they got tired of explaining that!

Once in Sylva, we camped at the Nicholas’s for about 4 days.  As their home is an animal rescue refuge, it’s always overrun with puppies and kittens awaiting new families.  We desperately wanted to bring this one with us, to give to Emma & Annie, but we knew we’d be banished forever if we dared!!!!

 The Nicholas home is the birthplace of “The Church of the Pina Colada”...and as their kitchen sign clearly states...

I think Norm, Ben, and I can vouch for that!  Thank you, Karl and Veronica, for starting such a wonderful tradition, and encouraging the growth of so many ‘missions’ across the country...Decatur, GA; Seattle, WA; Naugatuck, CT; Bend, OR!

Town hasn’t changed much...

But there’s a magnificent new library, and Karl gave us the red carpet tour.  It was more beautiful than anything I could imagine for the little town of Sylva...

and even has a full theater for presentations and free movies!

Too soon, it was time to head for Virginia. We left the Nicholas’s with heavy hearts, but looked forward to seeing all of Norm’s (and my!) family, and especially little Henry who fortunately lives there, too.

 We arrived in Virginia on May 1st, forty-two days into our journey!
...and have since gone on to the Atlantic coast, Connecticut, the fabulous grand daughters, and more... but those 'bits' will have to be posted later!

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