Monday, January 12, 2015

Off to see the Wizard -continued

Phase 4:  More Fun with the OwenStones

Family members were still spread out all over the country, and we wouldn’t be getting together for three weeks, so we had plenty of time to spend with little Henry and the OwenStones at their home on the Hollins University campus.  They had purchased baby chicks several weeks before our arrival, and we got to see the big move from nursery to outdoor coop.  Henry was so sweet as he gently cupped each one and carried it outside.

Because Jon and Anna were still working to finish out the school year at Hollins, we got to just have fun with Henry!  First chance we could, we let Henry lead us on a hike around the Hollins campus expanse.

We stopped to feed and admire the horses (Hollins has a popular horseback riding program)...

...and to play in the creek.

Henry couldn’t resist cooling off in the water!

And he ended up being the smart one, because by leaving our clothes on, we carried over a dozen ticks home with us!!  For weeks and weeks across the country, we had been cautious and careful –always mindful– of ticks.  Then, once we’re in the heart of Tick Country USA, we sit down right smack dab in the middle of ‘em!!!!!!  How stupid we felt.  Norm and I gave each other a thorough “going over” after picking them off our clothing, legs, and butts (I even had one in my hair)...but I still had the “itches” the rest of the night.  When I complained that every living organism seems to have some positive attribute except a tick, Norm pointed out “Yes they do, too....they make people get naked and check each other out” (!!)  Well, he had a point.

Back at home, Henry taught us how to start fires with pitch-wood shavings...


...and how to kick ass at his Kempo class.

When Jon and Anna had some free time, we took a fishing trip with the whole family...

for which Norm had to purchase his first ever out-of-state fishing license.  Too bad he won’t get to use it much.  The fishing was fun for all, except for poor Anna who had to sit in the car and work on a school report! 

By this time, Gracie had now been confined to almost 2 months in the camper, so we ordered an outdoor “play tent” for her, and asked Henry to test it out for us....

But we decided the ticks and fleas were too much of a problem, so she didn’t get to use it much after all.  She will have to wait for Oregon camping to enjoy the great outdoors!  Sorry, kiddo...

To finish up the year as Director of Hollins’ Outdoor Program, Jon had to lead a two-week trip out in the wilds, and Anna’s job would keep her busy with graduation activities planning, so Norm and I decided to head over to the coast and have some fun beach time.  We would have loved to scoop Henry up and take him with us, but he’s not quite ready to be so far from Mommy and Daddy yet (darn!).  Maybe next year.

We had a beautiful day for the 260-mile drive to Virginia Beach.

And were looking forward to some good photos as we crossed this approaching bridge

only to find that it tunneled us under the water instead of over it  –what a surprise!!

Either way, it was good to be at the ocean again.  Wait, what do you mean “this is the bay side, not the ocean side”?????  Yes, it’s true.  The state park we settled in at is on the Chesapeake BAY, not the Atlantic OCEAN (!)

No worries, the ocean is just around the bend there (isn’t it?).  We can still enjoy the crashing waves, go for long walks, and collect some seashells?  Again, yes, BUT you’d have to trespass over military property to get there  –and risk being shot, or at the very least arrested!  Drat!  Foiled again!

First Landing State Park is sandwiched between a military base and a military training area (whose great idea was that?).  Unless we loaded up the camper and drove to it, we weren’t going to stick our toes in the Atlantic Ocean this trip.

I did acquire a new-found appreciation for bay life, however.  There were ‘some’ waves, and lots of sea birds, and a totally different array of washed up beach items.  This one had me totally perplexed, until Anna explained what it is. 

I thought it looked like some kind of alien life form trying to attach itself and multiply (too many science fiction movies as a kid), but it’s actually the empty pod of a shark’s (or a skate’s) fertilized egg case... also known as a "Mermaid’s Purse" (definitely not Gucci), or a "Devil’s Purse" (much more apropos, if you ask me).

There were oodles of horseshoe crab skeletons, but they were very small...

lots of holes dug by sand crabs...

and some interesting plant life...

The park is full of “live oak” trees, and after seeing them, I think I know how they got their name.  Most trees find their “spot” and grow there, –a single trunk, but these seem to creep along for great distances, sending out new limbs from below the surface, as if they are more “alive” than others.

Now I don’t know what this one is, but this is the spikiest tree trunk we’ve ever seen!  I’m surprised the park folks allowed it to remain.  It could do some serious damage if you fell onto it!

Meanwhile, the shore birds were most entertaining...

We watched a flock of ospreys circle and dive for fish, and I just barely managed to snap a photo of this one flying off with its catch.

The bay was filled with ships of all sizes, waiting their turn to come into shore to load or unload. 

Sometimes they would have to wait for 48 hours or more, and at night some of the decks would be lit up like a Christmas tree!

It was our hope that the beach would be a bit cooler, or at least breezy, but we were met by even higher humidity than we had left in Roanoke.  At least it gave a nice curl to my hair!...

In spite of the humidity, we enjoyed the coolness of the windy shore...

We had a beautiful full moon during our stay...

and some gorgeous sunsets...

After a week at the beach, we packed up to head back in time for the big family reunion with Norm’s newlywed mom, Flo...aka Nana (a bride at 80 years old --you GO, girl!).  Needing to catch up on laundry, and wanting something to eat, we saw this place and thought “What could be better?”...

...and inside, it was just that; laundromat on one side, and café on the other.

After finishing the laundry, we settled down at the counter and had two of the best meals we could remember.  I was in awe of the chef  –her speed, accuracy, and agility– and also of the amazing old-fashioned potato slicer on the wall.  I watcher her slide over to it, place a potato in the slot, *slam* down the armature, and bingo! –a perfectly sliced fresh potato for fries –in less than 5 seconds.

So if you’re ever in Virginia Beach, don’t pass up “Margaret’s Hot Dogs” for a fine meal...and get your laundry done at the same time!

The family reunion will be the first time we’ve all been together for many, many years, and especially since Nana’s great grandbabies have been born.  If they can make it, Ben, Megan, Emma, and Annie will be there, too!!!   Norm and I will finally get to meet Miss Annie Mae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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